Sunday, October 17, 2010

Friday Night Sew In

I just signed up for the FNSI this past Friday. You are suppose to close the door on the world and work on whatever the spirit moves in you. It is left up to you to decide how long you want to spend in sewing, crafting and what you sew and craft. You can even sew in your pajamas if you so wish. I was not sure if FNSI was something I would participate in on a regular basis because I am not a night person when it comes to sewing. I decided to give it a try. Remember that blob I showed you several posts ago? My neice's wedding dress? Well it was now past calling out to me. It was screaming at me to start working on it.
I did not start on FNSI until 8:30pm because my day was jam packed so this wedding dress was the prefect project. I thought it would be ripped apart in no time. Using my sharpest scissors I slashed out the zipper and then the poking started. That dress was sewn, double sewn and triple sewn in places. It had interlining, underlining, bodice stakes, rings and every other thing known to man. The only part I slowed the slashing down for was the beads and embroidery. It took 1 1/4 hours to finish the job and I was exhausted. Needles to say I did not go on to another project. I now have 3 piles of wedding dress instead of 1 but am happy the job was done. I will try FNSI another time but will work on something more constructive.


Cheryl said...

I am not much of a night owl myself. You did make good progress though.

Diane H said...

In the evening I'm only good for knitting or embroidery nothing at the machine. Can't wait to see what this is going to turn into.

Cheryll said...

You have my attention. I wonder what you'll do with 3 piles? I'll keep my eye out for any progress.

Sandra said...

Looking forward to seeing how you will recycle the wedding dress:)

Vivian said...

The hardest, most boring part is done. Now you can have fun and create.

crafty pug said...

cannot wait to see where this is going! i think you are going to be my muse for my wedding dress brigitte.....keep us posted!

Stray Stitches (Linda G) said...

Wow! I am definitely not a night time quilter unless I want to be a morning ripper - lol! Good for you on getting a big job accomplished!!